Martock Neighbourhood Plan


Church StreetMarket Street from the churchyard. The oldest part of the village

Home - Local character - Built Environment - Village Design Statement

Village Design Statement

What is Martock Village Design Statement and what is it for?

Martock Village Design Statement is a description of the natural and man-made features of Martock Parish. It is a guide to help ensure that future development and change is managed in a way that respects and preserves the character and distinctiveness of the villages, settlements and countryside that make up the parish. It should contribute to protecting and enhancing the special nature and qualities of the communities that make up the Parish.

The Village Design Statement is concerned with the visual character of a village and how it might be protected or enhanced. It does not detail what type of development should take place in the village but it is concerned with how any such development should protect and enhance the visual character of the parish.

When adopted the Statement will become an officially recognised Supplementary Planning Document to the Neighbourhood Plan and the South Somerset Local Plan. It follows that all the recommendations made in the Design Statement are compatible with policies in both these plans.


The draft Village Design Statement.

Download the latest version hereVDS Cover

How is the Martock Village Design Statement being produced?

A key characteristic of Village Design Statements is that they are locally produced and have the support of the Parish.

Martock Village Design Statement is being developed under the auspices of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Committee by a small team concerned with the historic heritage of Martock. They are:

Fergus Dowding
Andrew Clegg
Patrick Palmer
Shelley Saltman
Edward deBroe Ferguson

The team have been using a number of design guides in the prepartion of the document. Links to the more significant ones are on the right.

Links to rural design guides

The Essex Design Guide. This was first produced almost three decades ago and has been continually updated. It set the standard for rural development guides.

The Hampsire Rural Design Guide. A similar guide produced by Hampshire

The SSDC Guide for conserving historical assets (2016 draft)

The Setting of Heritage Assets. A Historic England guide on conserving the settings of important buildings

Affordable Rural Housing. A Historic England Guide on creating affordable housing in rural settings


Village Consultation

The First Draft has been produced and has been submitted to the village for comment in 2019 as part of the neighbourhood Plan package.

The development of the Design Statement will continue as part of the process to revise the Conservation Area.

If you would like to receive monthly information on the progress of the Neighbourhood Plan and these supplementary documents please email